Can I Do My Own SEO? | Blog by Web Designer Gethyn Jones

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Can I Do My Own SEO?

pay as you go websites

DIY SEO is a great idea and you can certainly make improvements to your website if you want to get to #1 in Google search engine results (SERPS). First though, some important facts.

There are hundreds of SEO companies out there itching to take your money in return for their search engine optimisation services. Quite often these can be hugely expensive and I’ve frequently come across businesses paying hundreds of pounds a year to 'SEO specialists'.


If you've built a website with a free online builder you've probably already discovered that without making payments you're stuck with a site you can't edit or manipulate yourself.

I've helped dozens of companies extricate themselves from contracts with large online directories who also build websites - and charge monstrous monthly fees.

So How Do I Get To #1?

It's one thing to have a website that looks fit to go - but another get it to show on that first page of search results.

I'm frequently asked to sum up what makes a well optimised website that will show up on that magic first page. My answer might sound horribly corny but I regret it's true: "By employing a web designer who has the right knowledge which can only be gained from years of experience in the web design industry". It's nothing new - so there's probably an element of truth in it!

There are hundreds of aspects to SEO and it is impossible to sum them up in a paragraph let alone a sentence. If however, you're determined to do this yourself, you could spend many weeks trawling for these on Google. And even then there's plenty of mis-information out there.

Patience Is The Key

Here is something you really CAN do yourself. Get listed in online business directories. It's a tedious job but it will reward you in the end. Always ensure that you include your website URL and the same titles and descriptions featured on your website and if possible add a photo or two.

The way Google ranks websites is changing regularly but good old fashioned back links to your website from established directories shows you're serious and have taken the trouble. Getting links from Social Media is another powerful tool to show your website has valuable and interesting content.

If you haven't already, create a Facebook business page but be prepared to feed it with posts regularly after you've set it up - there's nothing worse than potential customers seeing that your last post was put up in 2010! Get friends and relations with Facebook accounts to mention your work and include a link to your website in their posts. Hopefully, these will be shared. Remember to include photos in every post - take them with your phone ... and hold the phone on its side when you take them, like a camera!

So, SEO is not a quick fix - if you want instant results buy Google Adwords. If you want to show up naturally in Google you'll need a website built with thought and care - and be prepared to watch its progress over weeks and months.

If you're interested in anything I've written here and you'd like help with your current website please get in touch and I'll be pleased to help. 02392 587335

Web design Gosport Hampshire by Gethyn Jones.