How To Choose The Right Web Designer | Blog by Web Designer Gethyn Jones

Tel: 07748 631277

How To Choose The Right Web Designer

web design trends

Do you have a website that is need of a more modern design? Your website must display properly on mobile devices in this day and age - and also look professional. If not, you seriously risk losing business.

A new website is not just a financial investment - you'll be starting the process of strengthening your business with a powerful tool - so you'll also be investing in time and patience.

Getting your website at the top of Google searches is the Holy Grail in web design and I'm willing to bet that, like me, you've had hundreds of emails telling you that by replying you're guaranteed a no.1 result. Trust me, you'll be wasting your time and your money.

Experience Is A Thing Of High Value

It's impossible to put a price on experience - all those years gathering up information and most importantly putting it to good use. I'm an independent web designer and I've been building websites for over 12 years and I can promise you that the best way to get your website high in the search engine results pages (S.E.R.Ps) is by choosing the right web designer.

I can only speak for myself but I promise you that it is NOT a quick fix - your website needs to be structured carefully, the correct coding applied in the right places and the website should be lovingly coaxed up the rankings after it's been published.

Therefore, you need a savvy web designer who will stay on the case with you and not rip you off with excessive fees.

My website prices are highly competitive and I don't charge monthly fees to publish and look after your website - fess that go on forever, mounting up. I have actually 'rescued' dozens of web site owners who have done the sums and have felt trapped in such schemes.

Bespoke Websites

What is a bespoke website? There are jaw-dropping numbers of web designers claiming that they build bespoke, original websites. But a quick right click of the mouse and a look at Page Source reveals incredibly often that such sites are no more than Wordpress frameworks.

These designers download the free website framework, purchase a 'theme' or template and get cracking on altering all the coding to make it look different. Open Source technology is a wonderful resource but I draw the line at Wordpress and Joomla - a subject you can read more about in another article I've published. My websites are built on my own coding framework that I've methodically honed over the years, taking in new techniques as they become available. They are solid, tested and safe.

Do You Really Need To Update Your Own Website?

I've written another article on this but in brief I'd just say that unless your experienced in web coding yourself, or you're adding products to an online store - leave making changes to someone who knows what they're doing. This way you're less likely to compromise the site by making simple errors that can be catastrophic. It also enables you spend your time on actually running your business.

So to sum up - I'm an honest web designer and I offer a genuine web design service with ongoing support that will guarantee that you have a really good looking, well-illustrated and colourful website that is built to climb the search results and stay there - all at a surprisingly low cost.

Call me for full details on 07748 631277 or 02392 587335 and discuss any queries you may have about my web design service.